There is only one name at Parkway Ministries, and
that name is Jesus. It's because of that He has done in
each of our lives that the word "Ministries" is not
only in our name but describes who we really are.
We are a diverse and very lively body of believers
with a passion to take what God is doing on the
inside of us to the outside communities and region
that surrounds us - and even around the globe.
We say it often and it never gets old to hear,
“There is something for everyone to be a part of at
Parkway”, whether it’s ministering to inmates in the
jails and prisons, leading those at drug recovery
homes in a Bible study, singing and delivering flowers
to nursing homes, lending support to women in crisis,
helping the homeless, caring for the elderly, or taking our grill to a neighborhood that could really use a burger and a smiling face. There are so many outreach ministries at Parkway, it is challenging to mention them all here, but each has the same mission, “Serving people in the hope they will have a life changing encounter with Jesus.”
Most of the outreach events at Parkway are done by simple acts of kindness that anyone can do—just by giving a willing hand, a smiling face, a comforting hug, or a cup of coffee. Maybe you have a heart to help those recovering from a natural disaster; we have a ministry for that! Got a heart for truck drivers? We have an easy and effective way of reaching truckers. Outreach ministry allows the life that Jesus brings to the church to flow to the world around us. It’s how God uses the basic abilities in our lives to make a big impact in His Kingdom—one life at a time. Whether it’s extending our hearts to the tri-county area around us or on the other side of the world in Poland, our passion is to take the love of Jesus to as many people that we possible can. Outreach opportunities are growing at Parkway Ministries, and there truly is an outreach that anyone can be a part of here.